Thursday, May 24, 2012

The best band in the world?

I have always been a melody freak.

From the time I've been in school, I have always had a thing for, what I call 'build-up' songs. Songs that start on a slow note, pick up pace in the middle, and climax with a flourish. Till late, I had been listening to the usual Akon, Backstreet Boys and Sting songs doing the circuits. Then, one day, my brother's friend came over to my house and added some songs to my hard drive. When I got down to listen to these songs, I wasn't expecting much (After all, college dudes don't have the best of taste when it comes to music ;)). I couldn't have been more wrong. That was the day I was introduced to Coldplay. I was never the same again.

Coldplay. A 4-member British alternative rock band, formed in London in 1997. The group is made up of Chris Martin (lead vocals, keyboards, guitar. Incidentally, he's the husband of movie star Gwyneth Paltrow), Jonny Buckland (lead guitar), Guy Berryman (bass guitar), and Will Champion (drums, backing vocals, other instruments). And the songs they've churned out over the years is absolutely mind-blowing. Honestly, I can't think of a single Coldplay song I've heard that can be described as average. The guitars, Chris Martin's vocals, the lyrics..... I could go on forever.

For what it's worth, here's my list of top 10 Coldplay songs I've ever heard (in no particular order):

1. CLOCKS: Winner of the 2004 Grammy Award for Record of the Year, Clocks is , IMHO, the best Coldplay song there is. If someone were to place a cocked gun to my head and asked me to pick one Coldplay song from the lot, I'd say Clocks. Over and over again.

2. SPEED OF SOUND: This was among the first Coldplay songs I'd heard. And I was hooked, line and sinker.

3. THE SCIENTIST: Now this is a beautiful song, if there ever was one! Most online polls on the best song of Coldplay place 'The Scientist' on the top of the tree.

4. FIX YOU: The perfect pick-me-up song. I guarantee you, you will be moved by the amazing lyrics. The guitar section in the middle of the song is exhilarating.

5. VIVA LA VIDA: This song, released in 2009 as part of their album Viva La Vida, was on repeat on my music player for days. Very catchy track.

6. YELLOW: This is the song which rocketed Coldplay to stardom. All the success that Coldplay has today, all of the plaudits and the scores of fans around the world, they owe it to this beauty.

7. TALK: Another great track. I'm running out of adjectives to describe the beauty of these songs.

8. LOST: This song features some great piano work. The whole song uses only the one instrument, the piano. The lyrics are pretty moving too.

9. SQUARE ONE: This is the song I've been hooked on to for the past few days. That's the essence of a Coldplay song. You never get tired of any of them.

10. IN MY PLACE: This might come last on the list, but it definitely isn't last on my mind. The opening guitar solo is one of the few pieces of music that has the capacity to transport you to a different..... state.

Well, there you go. My list of top ten Coldplay songs. There are scores of other great songs, I'm having a hard time choosing them! :). In times like these, I often wonder, is Coldplay the best alternative rock band in the world? Well, maybe not just yet, but they definitely are on their way to getting there.

If you own an iPod or a GoGear, go out and get these songs in them pronto. I promise you, you will not regret it.

PS. If you're a fellow Coldplay fan, please post your comments on what you think their best song is. :). And if you've never heard of Coldplay before, you can post your comments thanking me ;).

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